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CoGhent Festival

CoGhent Festival - Friday 2 & Saturday 3 June, Ghent, Belgium

What if digital heritage becomes public and anyone can use it? What if a community worker joins hands with a museum worker? What if you put a high-tech box full of digital collections in a residential neighborhood, next to a school or a residential care center?

Collections of Ghent presents the outcomes of an exhilarating journey with cultural heritage in Ghent neighborhoods. The CoGent box is dissected, showcases and demos of the 13 Cocreation Fund projects and the results of a hackathon are displayed. In-depth presentations, workshops, neighborhood walks, activities in Ghent's museums and service centers and, of course, a closing party will round things off.

CoGhent Festival is two days full of local and international cross-over between museums, culture, heritage, design, creative industries, education, technology, local governments, smart cities, research, open data, art and community work.


Collection of the Gentenaar: LEARN AND INSPIRE
Friday, June 2 - 9 am to 5 pm - De Vooruit - conference

  • 08:30 Registration

  • 09:00 Welcome

  • 09:30 Plenary sessions

    CoGhent: What, why and how?
    CoGhent: What are the results?

  • 10:30 Coffee break

  • 11:00 Plenary sessions
    Collections of Ghent in five tracks: neighborhood, open data, impact, technology and storytelling.

  • 12:00 Lunch break

  • 14:00 CoGhent: inside out and outside in: break-outs & workshops

    Track 1:
    NEIGHBOURHOODS. Injecting heritage into Ghent neighbourhoods and using it co-creatively? How do you (not) do that? Erfgoedcel Gent, buurtwerk Stad Gent, policy participation Stad Gent, Meemoo and iDrops share their experience and insights.

    Track 2:
    OPEN DATA. CoGhent, an inspiring case for data governance, reuse and experimentation.

    Track 3
    IMPACT. Heritage, technology and social cohesion. What is the potential of this mix and what impact did we have on citizens and neighbourhoods?

    Track 4
    TECHNOLOGY. How was the box built and developed? Why and how was VR used?

    Track 5
    STORYTELLING. Tracking and bringing stories from neighborhoods and collections to social media? How do you do that (well)?

  • 16:30 Closing remarks & GentGift Awards ceremony.

  • 17:00 Drinks

Experience Collections of Ghent in the city
Saturday 3 June - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Step along with neighborhood explorers and dive into Ghent's neighborhoods and stories.
Enjoy the screenings of the different stories from the CoGent box.
Join the workshops and demos.
Collections of Ghent final party.

Ongoing Saturday and Sunday: showcase cocreation fund projects, stories from the collection in pictures, ...

October 5

Information session Co-creation Fund

June 20

Collections of Ghent webinar