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Cultural Data Lab: SPARQL demo

During this demo you will learn how to retrieve data from the 'Collection of the Ghent Knowledge Graph' via a queryable SPARQL endpoint.

Linked open data offers a solution for the meaningful exchange of data across systems (semantic interoperability). When digital heritage is linked to other data, it becomes more meaningful and richer for users. SPARQL is a query language that makes it possible to query these databases. Using queries, you can query several datasets at once or uncover connections in the data.

During the SPARQL demo, you will learn how data from the 'Collection of the Ghent Knowledge Graph' can be queried. This data cloud is a combination of various Linked Data Event Streams from Ghent heritage institutions and is made available by means of a searchable SPARQL endpoint. We demonstrate a number of use cases with SPARQL queries for different profiles.

sparql demo.JPG

For whom

No technical knowledge is required for this workshop. The practical cases are relevant for various profiles in heritage institutions, city services and for digital humanities students and researchers.


Brecht Van de Vyvere is a researcher at imec-IDLab-UGent and focuses on Linked Open Data Interfaces in various application domains, such as cultural heritage and smart cities.

Sam Donvil works in the expertise team of meemoo - Flemish Archive Institute. He is mainly responsible for projects concerning access and re-use of heritage data and is co-organiser of public domain day in Belgium.

Olivier Van D'huynslager studied art history at UGent and did a postgraduate in Curatorial Studies (KASK/UGent). He is project manager for the Collections of Ghent and head of digital at Design Museum Ghent.

Beware, this demo session will be in Dutch.

June 10

Cultural Data Lab: webinar

October 5

Information session Co-creation Fund